Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Isn't it interesting that I'm writing this right now. You may be asking: Sam, why is this interesting? It's because I'm writing this instead of looking up a couple questions and answers for my History of the Americas (HOTA) class. And if that's not interesting to you, then I don't really give a damn. I've probably done this three nights in a row now, staying up late when i could easily get my homework done fast. But for some reason I choose to stay up late. Well actually i shouldn't say that. I don't choose to stay up late, for some reason i just end up staying up unnecessarily late. Even right now i could be done and sleeping upstairs, or listening to music upstairs instead of doing this. I really don't even know why i'm doing this. I doubt hardly anyone is going to read it. I guess this is kinda of just a place to bitch about things and what not. There's another thing. Profanity. I don't think i get the gist of it. Why are some words bad? Who depicts what a bad word is? Like who chose fuck as a bad word? why is it bad? Why is some word like clog bad? I don't understand. Profanity is just a way to express your emotions without punching the closest person to you. I don't swear around my parents or older relatives, because if i said like hell or damn around my mom i think she might have a stroke and fall to the floor in disbelief. So um it's getting pretty late and i kinda want to go to sleep. So i think this is the end of my first blog ever written. I feel SO accomplished. Ok then if anyone is reading this, Goodbye.


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