Sunday, October 28, 2007

Here we are again

Well i should be doing TOK homework right now. Actually i don't see why i'm not doing it. It's so easy i guess i'm not because i just have this urge to write a blog. I don't know why, but i just have no desire to do it. So this weekend i really didn't do much except play CSS (Counter Strike Source). Which i know that sounds really sad, but it's hella fun. I just got a microphone for it and it's freakin sweet. I can like talk to people instead of typing. It'd be like me reading this blog to you right now, and you'd get my delightful sarcasm included instead of thinking where i'm actually being sarcastic, but basically it's bad ass. Or is it badass? I dont know but it's cool. Anyways no to completely change the topc, I wonder how blogs get so popular? Like does one person read it and then it just takes off. I mean is anyone ever going to read what i'm typing right now? If you're some random person reading this right now please commet saying that you read this, i mean it's pretty unlikely that you will, but just for the hell of it. Anyways i should probably finish typing up this TOK paper, because it's really easy and I'm tired. I want to go to sleep, but if i really wanted to go to sleep would i be writing this right now??? There's a question you can ponder while you're reading this.